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10 Powerful Ways to Customize Your Booking Page

Written by Gabriela Lefanowicz | Apr 19, 2024 4:49:03 PM

Say goodbye to cookie-cutter booking pages and hello to fully-customized ones that feel like an extension of you.

Whether you're a solopreneur or small business owner, your booking page is often the first point of contact with your clients. Your booking page isn't just a formality—it can showcase your professionalism, highlight your brand, and elevate your customer experience.

In this article, we'll explore 10 creative ways to customize your booking pages, allowing you to tailor the scheduling process to your clients’ needs and brand identity. 

From visual elements, like logos and colors, to automated communication workflows, we'll cover everything you need to know to make your booking pages shine.

1. Design and branding—Make it your own

Your booking page is an extension of your brand. It should look and feel like you, and not like a generic scheduler. 

While creating your YouCanBookMe booking page, check off items from the list below to adapt your page to your unique style:

  • 🌈 Add your colors
  • 📷 Add your logo and photos
  • 🔗 Create a personalized booking link
  • ✍️ Add your title, an introduction, and a description of your meetings
  • 💻 Embed it onto your website for a seamless experience
  • ✅ Create a personalized confirmation page, either through YouCanBookMe or by redirecting to your site

Branding is an experience. It's not just the logo, colors, and font. It's the experience you want your customers to have. Remember that your brand says everything about you! The message should be clear, easily recognizable, and felt.

- Corine La Font

🌎 Real-world example: See how Christian M. Frank Fas, Esq., the CEO of USADefend LLC, has personalized his booking page to his brand. Noticing how adding pictures for each type of meeting makes his offers pop.

Christian's booking page

2. Personalize emails—Reduce no-shows and connect with bookers

Set up three types of email notifications

Confirmation emails—Confirm the meeting is all booked

Add all the necessary info (who, what, where, when, why), so your booker can prepare and, most crucially, show up to your meeting!


Reminder emails—Ensure your booker remembers

Write a friendly nudge to your booker that the meeting is coming up. Don’t forget to include the time, date, and location.


Follow-up emails—Stay top of mind after you meet

Say thank you for the meeting, and include any relevant info, whether that’s a link to book a second meeting, a reminder about your offer, or any other next steps.

Say what you want

The content of your confirmations, reminders, and follow-ups is entirely up to you. We noted some important points to hit in the section above, but ultimately you’re the boss. 

If you need some inspiration before you get started, browse through templates for meeting reminder emails and meeting follow-up emails. Remember to personalize them using a tone that matches your distinct brand identity!

Automatically personalize notifications with shorthand codes

Did you know you can add a personal touch to every email without sacrificing tons of time? How? With shorthand codes! 

Shorthand codes are like nicknames you give to pieces of information. You can then use these nicknames to personalize all your notifications instantly.

For example, if you add {NAME} to your email, it’ll automatically pull up the booker’s name. If you add {DURATION}, it’ll pull up the length of the meeting. And so on and so forth!

Send notifications when you need to

Schedule your notifications to send when you need them to and send however many you need —it’s all up to you! Once you schedule them, every notification will automatically go out at its appointed time.

For example, you can schedule one follow-up to say thanks an hour after your meeting and a second to reiterate your offer two weeks later.

3. SMS notifications—Cut through the noise

You bookers might have a pretty crowded email inbox, causing your email notifications to get lost amidst a sea of other messages. SMS notifications cut through the noise to reduce no-shows and improve your bottom line!

You can set up confirmations and reminders via text and customize them to include all the most important info. YouCanBookMe will set up a local phone number for you based on your client’s location, and all responses will go straight to your email inbox.

💡 Psst… grab some appointment reminder text message templates to help you get started. 

🌎 Real-world example: Generative AI Consultant Greg Schwartz includes a field for entering your phone number on his booking form. Greg quickly notes that the numbers will only be used to send SMS appointment reminders.

Greg’s booking page


4. Workflows—Maximize the results of every meeting

Custom notifications flow 

Now that we’ve gone through how you can personalize all your notifications, let’s get into automating them with workflows! Take a look at the image above and decide what actions will trigger your messages. It’s all about what works best for you and your customers.

Trigger actions in different apps

Do you want new bookings in YouCanBookMe to trigger actions in other software you already use? No problem, there are two ways to do that 👇


If you’re a bit more tech-savvy, you can manually add webhooks in YouCanBookMe. Think of webhooks as automated messages that are immediately sent to other apps based on specific triggers.


Using Zapier will be the easier way to connect YouCanBookMe to your other tools! It does all the heavy lifting for you so that you can connect and build workflows in a few clicks.

For example, you can use YouCanBookMe’s Zapier integration so that each new booking triggers steps such as:

  1. Logging the booking into Google Sheets.
  2. Creating or updating a contact in Hubspot.
  3. Sending a Slack message about your new meeting.
  4. Creating a Trello card for the booking.
  5. Generating a note in Evernote for the meeting.

Choose whichever tools you want to connect (from 1,500+ options) to build your own custom workflows!

5. Language—Speak to your audience

Do you conduct business in a language other than English? No problem. You can set your booking page to any of 44 languages, including right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew.

🌍 Real-world example: YouCanBookMe user Carolina Traviglia runs a dental hygiene practice in Granges-Paccot, Switzerland. As you can see below, her booking page is in French, as the majority of her clients are French speakers. 


Carolina’s booking page

6. Availability—Set your schedule to meet your needs


Let’s go through all the ways you can set your availability to match your individual needs.

Connect your favorite calendars

Want to ensure you’re never double-booked again? The key is to integrate YouCanBookMe with your calendars. Link your Google, Outlook/Office 365, or Fastmail calendars to YouCanBookMe to automatically update your free and busy times. The sync will work in two ways:

  • All the meetings, vacations, and public holidays already on your calendar will instantly be blocked off on your booking page. 
  • All new meetings made via your booking page will automatically be blocked off on your calendar.

Set up repeating availability

If you work a typical 9-5 schedule, this option might be for you. You just need to set your standard working hours and click save.

Set up calendar-managed availability 

If your hours often change, or you want to limit available booking times, this option will let you customize your schedule to your exact needs. You can define different working days and availability every week using one of the calendars you’ve already linked.

💡 Pro-tip: Did you know you can allocate specific times for various types of meetings? For example, you can dedicate Mondays to discovery calls, Thursdays to product demos, and Fridays mornings to team check-ins.

Add padding and breaks

Add padding to your schedule to allow time for travel, prep, or a break between meetings. If you need a longer break, such as for lunch or an errand, you can schedule those as well.

Create fixed start and end dates

Let’s say you’re running a promotion by offering limited-time free consultations. You can set a specific period for when people can book this type of meeting. For example, it’s only available to book during the last two weeks of May. 

7. Appointment types and lengths—Say goodbye to vague meetings

Set up your appointment types to fit your needs by editing:

  • 📝 Type: List all the different services and meetings people can book and separate them into categories if necessary. 
  • 🗺️ Location: Add a physical address or choose an online location like Zoom or Google Meet.
  • 👨‍👩‍👦 Participants: Set up one-on-one meetings, round-robin, or group meetings, where more than one person can book the same slot.
  • 💰 Price: If relevant, set prices for your services. You can customize the amount for each type of meeting.
  • ⏰ Length: Different appointment types require amounts of time! Set your times accordingly. While 30 minutes might suffice for a consultation, a strategy session will likely need at least an hour.

💡 Pro-tip: To further customize your appointments, you can create meetings with flexible lengths. Just set the minimum and maximum time limits, and your booker can select the duration that best suits their needs. 

🌍 Real-world example: Take a look at how Jérémy Boyé, a Paris-based wellness consultant, offers different appointment types with varying times and prices, split into categories for easy browsing.

Jérémy’s booking page


Offer add-on services without adding time to your appointments

Do you offer add-on services as part of your business model, whether it's providing a 30-60-90 day plan for coaching clients or preparing a customized meal plan for nutrition clients?  Easily add that option to your booking page for a seamless client experience.

8. Booking form—Collect valuable info before you meet

To fully prepare for each meeting, you need to ask the right questions beforehand. You choose the questions, the order, and which fields are mandatory vs. optional.

Here are some examples of what you can use your booking form for:

  • Collect contact info
  • Ask what the booker wants to discuss
  • Find out how the booker found out about you
  • Have the booker agree to cancelation, booking, or other terms and conditions

To get all the above done (and more), you can choose between different question types, including: 

  • Short answer
  • Long answer
  • Checkbox
  • Multiple choice
  • Pass through
  • Hidden
  • Phone number
  • Email address

🌎 Real-world example: Jillian Vorce, CEO of The Jillian Group, using her booking form to collect contact info, find out the purpose behind the meeting, and learn a bit more about her bookers. Note how some fields are required while others are optional.

Jillian’s booking page

9. Password protection and tentative bookings—Safeguard your time

Your time and calendar are precious! Use YouCanBookMe to ensure only the right meetings end up in your calendar.

Password protect your booking pages

Add a password to your booking page and share it only with people you want to meet with. This is particularly handy if you’re offering a project or service to a specific group of people. 

🌎 Real-world example: Teen Wise founder and CEO Sheri Gazitt shares "My coaching sessions are password protected through so not just anybody can jump on that calendar.”

Learn more about how Sheri uses scheduling software to handle all of her hats.

Set up tentative bookings

Instead of confirming the booking right away, have your customers request bookings. Tentative bookings let you assess bookers before accepting or declining an appointment.

🌏 Real-world example: Melbourne-based tattoo artist Daniele Lugli includes a request booking button on her form, rather than a confirm booking one. This way, she can evaluate whether or not a session is the right fit before it lands on her calendar.

Daniele’s booking page

10. Integrations—Connect the tools you already use

In the sections above, we've already discussed a few integrations, including using Zapier for workflows and connecting your booking page to various calendars. 

To wrap up, we want to briefly mention a few other integrations that will be useful while customizing your booking page. 

Integrate your fave video chat tool

Choose between Zoom, Google Meet, and MS Teams. P.S. If you integrate and select one of these booking tools as your location, unique video chat links will be generated for every meeting.

Link an analytics tool for meeting insights

Choose between Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, LinkedIn Pixel, or a different app through Zapier, such as Zoho or Ruler Analytics.

Accept payments via Stripe

Integrating Stripe allows your customers to book meetings/services and pay for them in one go. You also have the option to create custom promo and discount codes. These codes can be tailored with expiration dates, redemption limits, and minimum order values to suit your specific promotional needs.

🌎 Real-world example: Corine La Font, communications specialist and host of the Between the Lines podcast, has integrated Stripe to book guest spots and process payments in a single step. 

Corine’s booking page

🧰 Need some more inspiration while customizing your page? Explore these nine booking page examples to ignite your creative spark. 

Time to put the you in YouCanBookMe 🎉

Now that you have the customization roadmap, all you have to do is follow it!

With these 10 steps, you’ll transform your booking page from yet another third-party tool in your arsenal to a true extension of your brand. You’ll create a page that looks and feels like you and gives your customers the same care and attention they've come to expect from your business. 

Plus, with streamlined workflows, automated notifications, and seamless integrations, you’ll save time and energy that you can spend focusing on those very customers. Happy customizing!

P.S. Once you’re done, feel free to drop us a message. We’d love to show off your unique booking page to inspire others 🤩