About the show

Covering everything from automation to innovation, Ben chats with inspiring managers, owners, team leaders, and entrepreneurs about how even small changes can make a world of difference to your business. Brought to you by YouCanBookMe, the online scheduling tool that lets you Get More Done. 


Catch up on earlier episodes of Get More Done

We pulled out some of our favorite episodes in Season 1

Building a bootstrapped business with Bridget & Keith Harris

Building a bootstrapped business with Bridget & Keith Harris

In this episode of our productivity podcast, Get More Done, we chat with YCBM’s co-founders to explore how they built their scheduling tool for teams, why failure is part of the journey, and the insights you need to start a business. 

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A different kind of business philosophy with Rand Fishkin

On this episode of our productivity podcast, Get More Done, we learn how Rand built a successful startup with three people, a barely-there advertising budget, and no strict deadlines.

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Get More Done: How to build a successful SaaS business

How to build a successful SaaS business with Guillaume from lempire

On this episode of our productivity podcast, Get More Done, we learn how Guillaume took his SaaS business from 0 to 10 million annual recurring revenue in just 3 and a half years. See how his business advice differs from the rest.

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An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing with Tai Goodwin

An entrepreneur’s guide to marketing with Tai Goodwin

In this episode of our productivity podcast, Get More Done, learn how to hit the ground running with your new business. Discover the true goal of email marketing, a foolproof recipe for content creation, and how to combat your inner negativity.

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Season One

How Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Coaches Get More Done



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About the host

Ben Dlugiewicz is a natural-born problem solver who is severely allergic to inefficiency in the workplace. A lover of all things tech and innovation, Ben’s been involved in growing businesses since developing his paper route at the age of 10. He’s worked at family businesses, huge corporations, and small tech start-ups, picking up ideas about what works - and what really doesn’t - along the way. 

Ben the Host of Get More Done

How do you get more done?

Would you like to be a guest on the podcast? Schedule a time to talk to Ben.

Book a time with Ben
Each session is approximately 45 minutes, 30 minutes for the discussion, and 15 for the overrun.