Add your logo or photo to your booking page
Brand your booking page with your own logo and images. Personalize with team photos.
Unique booking link that focuses on your brand
Take bookings with your own personalized booking links like '' or ''.
Customize your booking page title & text
Customizable calendar events
Customize the event we create when an appointment is scheduled.
Take bookings on your website
Seamlessly embed your YouCanBookMe booking page directly on your website.
Set prices for your bookings
Calculate prices based on a specific service or hourly rate.
Format with Markdown
Format the text and layout of your booking page, emails and messages using Markdown.
Take payments with Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit & debit cards
Ensure payment goes through before the meeting is confirmed. With our Stripe integration, securely take payments at the time the booking is made. (Additional fees apply)
40+ languages supported
40+ languages supported, including right-to-left and arabic scripts
Auto detect timezone and languages
Everyone sees the right dates and times in a format and language that makes sense to them.
QR code
Place your booking link wherever clients are with a printable QR code
Insert dynamic content into notifications
Personalize communications by using dynamic codes to output the answer in emails and messages.
Configurable booking form
Customizable booking form questions and styling. Get the information you need for every booking.
Add your brand color to your booking page
Choose which color to apply to your booking page, ensuring it matches your brand.
Remove YouCanBookMe branding
View, cancel, reschedule and keep a record of every customer interaction.
Add a page footer
Provide contact information or links to your website or social when clients visit your booking page
Week view & Day view displays
Choose the default availability layout your bookers will see when they visit your booking page.
Hidden & passthrough booking form questions
Advanced booking form questions that let you pass information from another site into each booking.
Redirect clients to your website after booking
Redirect customers to a specific URL to customize the experience or track booking conversions.
Meeting types

One to Ones

Group bookings
Perfect for webinars or group sessions. Multiple books in the same time slot. Or manage resources and let people reserve more than one at a time, up to your chosen capacity.
Multiple appointment types on the same link
Allow clients to select the type of meeting they want, You set the duration and the price of the meeting. All displayed on the same booking page link.
Add-on appointment type
Add-ons increase the price, but not the length, of an appointment
Multiple booking pages
Create multiple booking pages for different types of scheduling.
Request-only appointments
Accept or reject booking requests before they are confirmed in your calendar.
Allow booker to choose duration
Let clients choose from a selection of pre-set meeting durations.
Allow booker to choose location
Let clients choose from pre-set meeting locations, including online and in-person
Check your favorite calendars for availability
Link to multiple Google, Microsoft, iCloud (plus more!) calendars to check your availability. Free accounts can only link to one calendar at a time.
Auto detect timezone and languages
Everyone sees the right dates and times in a format and language that makes sense to them.
Paste suggested times into emails and messages
With our Chrome extension
Single use links
Control how many times someone can schedule with links that expire after one use.
Promo codes & packages
Use Stripe's coupons and codes feature to offer discounts and packages
Min / max advance booking notice
Control your availability with settings to stop people booking last minute or too far in the future.
Buffer time between meetings
Automatically add time before and after appointments to allow for preparation or travel time.
Custom availability settings
Easily set availability directly in your calendar so you have full control, even when your schedule changes every week.
Control number of bookings taken per day
Fixed start and end dates
Set a specific date or date range for taking bookings. Customers cannot book outside of these dates.
Automatic rebook
Instantly book your clients for another appointment in the future.
Set limits on cancellation/reschedules
Stop last minute cancellations and reschedules with pre-set time limits
Unlimited email notifications
Customize the confirmation emails sent to customers once an appointment has been scheduled.
SMS notifications
Instant notifications for new bookings. SMS confirmations and reminders significantly reduce no-shows. (extra charge)
Send emails from your domain with Gmail  
Improve delivery rates and increase visibility of booking notifications by sending via your Gmail account.
Insert dynamic content into notifications
Personalize communications by using dynamic codes to output the answer in emails and messages.
Custom 'from' address on emails
Unlimited reminder emails & SMS
Reduce no-shows by setting up email and SMS reminders to remind your customers before an appointment begins.
Unlimited follow-up emails & SMS
Send follow-up emails after the appointment to get feedback, or to remind customers to book again.
Track no-shows & include in workflows
Mark bookers as a no-show and send that information into other tools. Set up email workflows to re-engage no-shows.
Automatically send booking data into the tools of your choice
API access
Advanced automation for scheduling and data.
Manage the availability of your entire team
Let bookers choose whom to meet with or offer first available times for the whole team on one booking page.
List all team members on the same link
Team member selection rules: round robin & more
Choose to optimize for equal distribution, first available, based on order or most availability for the booker
Centralised billing & account administration
Assign team roles to set account access permissions
Timezones handled for global teams
YouCanBookMe for Chrome
Share your YCBM link straight from your web browser into a variety of platforms without switching tabs.
Integrate with your favorite calendar to check availability. Fastmail calendar, Fruux calendar, CalDaV also available.
Video conferencing: Zoom, Google Meet and MS Teams
Send emails from your domain with Gmail  
Improve delivery rates and increase visibility of booking notifications by sending via your Gmail account.
Take payments with Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit & debit cards
Ensure payment goes through before the meeting is confirmed. With our Stripe integration, securely take payments at the time the booking is made. (Additional fees apply)
Zapier makes it super easy to pass data from your YouCanBookMe bookings to 100's of other online services.

Manage bookings

View, cancel, reschedule and keep a record of every customer interaction.
Export booking data
Export your data to .csv or .tsv
Google Analytics
Track views, conversions, and the performance of marketing campaigns for all of your booking pages with Google Analytics.
Meta (Facebook/ Instagram) Pixel
Track views, conversions, and the performance of campaigns on Instagram and Facebook
LinkedIn Tracking Analytics
Track views, conversions, and the performance of campaigns on LinkedIn

Captcha test

Protect your booking form from pesky spam bots with a simple 'Captcha' test.
Two factor authentication
Add a layer of security to your account with 2 Factor Authentication
ISO 27001
Adjustable data retention rules
Decide how long your customer booking data is held
Block bookings by email address or domain
Prevent bookings by specific email addresses or domains.
 Password protect your booking page
Require a password from your customers before they can view your availability and book an appointment.
Hide booking pages from search engine results
Searchable settings
Community forum
Webinars & Academy courses
Priority Support - 24/5

Get started for free

You can activate a 14 day trial of our paid plan at any time.
After your trial, enjoy our free version — forever.

Create your own booking page
No credit card required Free forever Upgrade anytime